What More Is a Miracle?

However, it would not be enough just to leave the matter there. In the Bible, miracle is not simply "what we don't know." There is the more positive assertion that miracle is a recognition of God's power, that we are in no position to tell God what he can or cannot do. He determines that!

The Biblical writers were quite aware that God's "mighty acts" went beyond any human possibility of explanation. They are a way of asserting God's sovereignty over all that he has created. He is not "bound" by creation in the way we are. If God is truly the living Lord of all creation, then we must allow that he can express himself as he chooses, and not as we dictate. To believe in miracle is to believe that God can do new things. And it is from this sort of perspective that we must approach the fact of miracle in the Bible. We must make room for the possibility that God can do things that seem new and even strange from our point of view, although they may not be new or strange from his point of view.

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