I am the Light Art Print - Jesus Posters

I am the Light

I am the Light Art Print
Hahlbohm, Danny
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Calvin, John - Calvinism

Adapted form of Jean Cauvin (1509-1564). French Protestant reformer, whose theological doctrines had tremendous influence, particularly through their incorporation in the Puritan religion of England and later America. Calvin had an early background of HUMANISM, being a student of Latin and Greek and familiar with the writings of Plato, Seneca, and St. Augustine. His great work is Institution de la religion chrétienne ( INSTITUTES OF THE CHRISTIAN RELIGION), published in an early Latin version in 1536 and in the complete, better-known version in French in 1541; it was the first theological treatise to be published in French. Because of the radical Protestant views expressed in a public speech he wrote in 1533 to be delivered at an inaugural ceremony at the University of Paris, Calvin was forced to flee the capital and soon France as well. He took up headquarters in Geneva, where eventually he became an absolute dictator, strictly enforcing his theological doctrines and rules of conduct.

Calvinism as a religious system recognized only the Bible as a source of knowledge and an authority in questions of belief. Its chief principles were: (1) the total depravity of mankind as a result of Adam's fall; (2) the absolute power of the will of God; (3) the superiority of faith to good works, since man has no free will of his own; (4) salvation by grace from God rather than by any act of the will of man; and (5) the divine predestination of those to be saved, or the Elect, although, since no one can tell whether he is a member of the Elect, all must lead holy and pious lives, acknowledging God's supreme power and obeying His commands. Outstanding exponents of the doctrines of Calvinism were John MILTON, John BUNYAN, and Jonathan EDWARDS.

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