The Ever-present Element in Christian Ethics

It is thus clear that there is no "easy answer" to the problem of the Christian and war. It should be clear also that this is true of all the ethical decisions that the Christian makes. The issue of war simply underlines the constant ethical problem of the Christian. He lives in a non-Christian world which does not accept the Christian ethic, and yet he must seek to live by the Christian ethic. Some kinds of compromise are always involved. It is part of Christian wisdom to recognize this fact.

This is the note on which any discussion of Biblical ethics must close. As Christians, attempting to "think Biblically" about life, we must realize that even our very best falls short, that no matter how much we do we have not attained, and that on every level of life ethics are not enough, but need to be surrounded and encompassed by the renewing love and forgiveness of God, who can pick up and use even our faulty attempts at the doing of his will, and make from them something that we ourselves have. been unable to make. For His is the Kingdom and the power and the glory, forever.

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